Winter weather can be damaging to your home’s exterior paint, especially if it is a fresh coat of paint. An Olathe exterior home painter would probably recommend waiting until after winter passes to start your exterior home painting project. Cold air and frost can be damaging to your exterior paint and can even cause peeling and discoloration.

At Patrick’s Painting, a leading exterior home painter in Olathe, we want to keep your home looking nice for as long as possible. So, with that goal in mind, we caution you against repainting your home’s exterior in the winter. The cold weather not only makes the job uncomfortable for the painters, but provides less than ideal conditions for the paint to settle in.

What Does the Cold Weather Do to Your Home’s Exterior Paint?

An experienced residential painter in Olathe cautions you against painting in the winter because cold temperatures and interior condensation can cause your exterior paint to chip and peel. This damage is caused by the cold air and warm air mixing in your walls and ventilation systems and soaking into your siding. This is what causes your exterior paint to peel and chip.

Melting snow and ice can also be detrimental to your exterior paint job. The melted water can seep down and cause damage to the paint.

Olathe Exterior Home Painter

Can You Avoid Exterior Paint Problems, Even in the Winter?

According to a trusted Olathe residential painter, exterior paint problems can be avoided, even in the winter. You must have proper insulation and moisture barriers, as well as adequate ventilation. All of these factors can help you avoid the condensation build-up that causes paint to peel and chip.

Your painting company in Olathe might also suggest ventilating your kitchen, bathrooms, clothes dryer, and even crawlspaces. Extra ventilation will help reduce the moisture that seeps into your paint and keeps it looking nicer for longer.

Any Other Advice from a Trusted Olathe Painting Company?

A professional painter might suggest paying attention to the temperature when painting your home in the winter. There are temperature guidelines for each paint, which can be found on the label, telling you the recommended degree range to ensure proper application.

Every paint brand is different, but the general rule of thumb is to wait until it is at least 50 degrees outside to paint. Painting in temperatures that are too cold can shorten your paint’s drying time, leading to several issues, including bubbling, cracking, and poor surface adhesion.

Professional painters also suggest storing your leftover paint somewhere indoors, where the temperature is controlled. This will prevent your paint from freezing.

Olathe Exterior Home Painter

Are You Ready to Work with a Leading Olathe Exterior Home Painter?

At Patrick’s Painting, our goal is to be your trusted exterior home painter in Olathe. Our team of professional exterior home painters wants to help your home stand out from the rest. We will prep, paint, and finish your home with the quality and service you expect from one of the best painting companies in Olathe.

Give us a call today at (913) 333-7872 or contact us online to schedule an estimate.